About Ragdolls & Cherubims
Ragdoll & Cherubim cats will be completely relaxed when they are picked up. They will lie limp, like dolls, part of how this breed has gotten its name. This is the staple behavior for the Ragdoll & Cherubim cat breed and is the specific trait that everybody expects to notice when getting a Ragdoll or Cherubim cat. Ragdolls & Cherubim have a calm and easy-going personality and can truly be a blessing, meaning they aren’t too energetic and downright lazy. No running up the walls, knocking things over, or attacking your curtains here.
The affectionate nature of this laid-back breed is perfect for families and individuals alike. Common characteristics of Ragdolls & Cherubims include the following:
Lifespan: Ragdolls & Cherubims usually live between 12-20 years
Size: Ragdolls & Cherubims are a big breed - males can reach up to 20 pounds, while females can reach around 15 pounds; however, you shouldn’t expect to see them fully-grown for around 4 years
Coat Length: Ragdolls & Cherubims have medium-long fur and require regular grooming to avoid matting, you may also experience light shedding
Intelligence: they are very intelligent and can often be trained
Personality: Ragdolls & Cherubims are very calm, laid-back cats that love people, making them fine companions for pet owners of all ages and homes with other pets
Health: They are a generally healthy breed and love affection and typically can sleep around 16-20 hours a day.
Ragdolls & Cherubims are known for being sweet and gentle, which makes them the perfect breed to have in a house with children and/or other pets. They are patient, affectionate, and love to play.
While Ragdolls & Cherubims have medium-long fur, they are not high maintenance. Their coats are full, fluffy and easy to groom, with no undercoat. Their shedding is minimal, and minimal grooming is required to keep their coat in optimal condition.
However, it is recommended that Ragdoll & Cherubim owners take their cats to get more intensive grooming care at least twice a year, specifically when their fur is changing seasonally.
Before adopting a Ragdoll or Cherubim kitten, it is important to know and understand that they are an inside breed and should not roam outside alone. Because of their docile personality, they are less likely to protect themselves from harm. Ragdoll and Cherubims are also known to be affectionate and crave attention, so it is important to make sure you have the time to give them the love and attention they need.
You should create a safe and comfortable space for your new kitten in your home. This includes a litter box, scratching post, and toys to keep them entertained. Ragdolls & Cherubims are a large breed, so be sure that your scratching posts are large enough for your new fluffy family member!
Lots of vets recommend you keep your kitty indoors to keep them safe from cars and other predators. Please be sure all windows and doors are secured. Otherwise, your new kitty will escape — and won’t know how to get back to their new home. There’s also plenty of danger lurking inside the house for a fuzzy someone that likes to explore, chew and scratch.
I would recommend kitten proofing your home. Somethings to be aware of are; shelves in your home, cats are naturally gifted climbers. This means that they’d love to climb up on that shelf and if the shelf isn’t secured, it could topple over, Kitty and all
Kittens are also famous for chewing and something to be aware of are plants and electrical cords. I would recommend taping your cords to the side of your appliances, or bundle them up in harder-to-chew cord protector. In addition, as it turns out, many indoor/outdoor plants are poisonous for kittens, including poinsettia, lilies, philodendron, azaleas and many more.